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网站首页    现货中心    WTW    208262 OxiTop®-i IS 12
  • Respirometric OxiTop® measuring system for BOD self check measurement with undiluted samples (DIN EN 1899 -2) – measuring ranges up to 4,000 mg/l BOD possible
    - No need to convert data - direct
    input of sample volume
    - Most reliable results - display of the
    curve at the head
    - Full information - interim values
    always available
    BOD instrument for self-check with 6 measuring units, with direct display of the BOD value at the measuring head, universal power supply 100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz; accessories. 6 OxiTop®-i measuring heads (3 x blue and 3 x grey), menu-operated, with backlit graphic LCD, control LED, operating buttons, for direct BOD readings, volume pre-selection, measurement duration between 1 and 7 days selectable, display of measuring curve, display of current readings.

208262 OxiTop®-i IS 12

BOD instrument for self-check with 12 measuring units, with direct display of the BOD value at the measuring head, universal power supply 100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz; accessories: see table "Composition of complete packages". Please order sodium hydroxide pellets NHP 600 separately!
BOD仪器用于自检,有12个测量单元,在测量头上直接显示BOD值,通用电源为100至240 VAC,50/60 Hz;附件:见“成套包装组成”表。请单独订购氢氧化钠颗粒NHP 600!
