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网站首页    现货中心    WTW    201425 StirrOx® G
  • Self-stirring dissolved oxygen sensor for BOD measurement
    Self-stirring dissolved oxygen sensor StirrOx® G for the measurement of the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) according to the dilution method

    Permanent flow for accurate measured values thanks to built-in stirrer
    Accurate measuring results thanks to minimal use of oxygen
    Perfectly adapted to BOD measurement in Karlsruhe and Winkler bottles
    Self-stirring dissolved oxygen sensor for BOD determination in Karlsruhe bottles and Winkler bottles with OxiCal®-ST calibration and storage vessel, 3 exchange membrane heads, electrolyte and abrasive foil.


201425 StirrOx® G

Self-stirring oxygen sensor for  determination in Karlsruhe bottles and Winkler bottles with OxiCal®-ST calibration and storage vessel, 3 exchange membrane heads,  electrolyte and abrasive foil. Note: Please order  cleaning solution RL-G 205204 separately!
用于卡尔斯鲁厄瓶和温克勒瓶测定的自搅拌氧传感器,带有OxiCal®-ST校准和储存容器、3个交换膜头、电解质和研磨箔。注意:请单独订购清洗液RL-G 205204!
