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网站首页    现货中心    WTW    201545 CellOx® 325-3
  • Membrane-covered galvanic dissolved oxygen sensors to measure in water and aqueous solutions - low-maintenance and no polarization time required

    - For instant measurement
    - Easy air calibration with water vapor saturated air in the calibration vessel
    - User friendly and long operation time
    Galvanic oxygen sensor with OxiCal®-SL calibration and storage vessel, waterproof plug (IP 67), abrasive foil, 3 exchange membrane heads and electrolyte.
    CellOx® 325: 1.5 m fixed cable with waterproof 8 pin plug
    CellOx® 325-3: 3 m fixed cable with waterproof 8 pin plug
    CellOx® 325-6: 6 m fixed cable with waterproof 8 pin plug, for outdoor applications
    CellOx® 325-10: 10 m fixed cable with waterproof 8 pin plug, for outdoor applications
    CellOx® 325-15: 15 m fixed cable with waterproof 8 pin plug, for outdoor applications
    CellOx® 325-20: 20 m fixed cable with waterproof 8 pin plug, for outdoor applications


    Measuring range oxygen 0 … 50 mg/l O2 concentration
    0 … 600 % O2 saturation
    0 … 1250 mbar O2 partial pressure
    Measuring range temperature 0 … 50 ° C
    T99 <60 s


201545 CellOx® 325-3

Galvanic oxygen sensor with OxiCal®-SL calibration and storage vessel, waterproof plug (IP 67), cable length 3 m (9.9 ft), incl.  abrasive foil, 3 exchange membrane heads and electrolyte. Note: Please order cleaning solution RL-G 205204 separately!
带OxiCal®-SL校准和储存容器、防水塞(IP 67)、电缆长度3米(9.9英尺)的电偶氧传感器,包括研磨箔、3个交换膜头和电解质。注意:请单独订购清洗液RL-G 205204!
