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网站首页    现货中心    WTW    201570 DurOx 325-3
  • Easy D.O. measurement in the field
    Robust, membrane-covered galvanic dissolved oxygen sensor for external use, especially in wastewater treatment systems and in the aqua culture, but also for training purposes

    Suitable for field applications thanks to its robust design
    Use in aqua cultures with the protective guard against bites (including in delivery)
    Stable signal thanks to special membrane technology
    Galvanic oxygen sensor DurOx® 325 with OxiCal®-SL calibration and storage vessel, waterproof plug (IP 67), cable length 9.9 ft (3 m), 1 exchange membrane head and electrolyte, abrasive foil.


201570 DurOx 325-3

Galvanic oxygen sensor with OxiCal®-D calibration and storage vessel, waterproof plug (IP 67), cable length 9.9 ft (3 m), 1 exchange membrane head and electrolyte,  abrasive foil. Note: Please order  cleaning solution RL-G 205204 separately!
带OxiCal®-D校准和储存容器、防水塞(IP 67)、电缆长度9.9英尺(3米)、1个交换膜头和电解质、研磨箔的电偶氧传感器。注意:请单独订购清洗液RL-G 205204!
