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827521 R-PO4/1-1B

Reagent 1B for PO4 measurement range 1 (0.02 … 15.00 mg/L PO4-P) Alyza IQ
试剂1B用于PO4测量范围1(0.02…15.00 mg/L PO4-P)Alyza IQ
¥ 0.00
原价: ¥0.00

服务:  现货现款・ 48小时快速处理・ 含税运。

  • Calibration standards, reagents and cleaning solutions for Alyza IQ NH4 Analyzers.

    (sets see further down)

    Reagents for measuring range 1:

    R-NH4/1-1A: Reagent 1A for NH4 measuring range 1 (0.02 … 5.00 mg/L NH4-N)
    R-NH4/1-1B: Reagent 1B for NH4 measuring range 1 (0.02 … 5.00 mg/L NH4-N)
    R-NH4/1-1C: Reagent 1C for NH4 measuring range 1 (0.02 … 5.00 mg/L NH4-N)

    Reagents for measuring range 2:

    R-NH4/1-2A: Reagent 2A for NH4 measuring range 1 (0.10 … 20.00 mg/L NH4-N)
    R-NH4/1-2B: Reagent 2B for NH4 measuring range 1 (0.10 … 20.00 mg/L NH4-N)
    R-NH4/1-2C: Reagent 2C for NH4 measuring range 1 (0.10 … 20.00 mg/L NH4-N)

    Standard solutions for Alyza IQ NH4:

    S-NH4/1-0.0: Standard solution 0.0 mg/L NH4-N
    S-NH4/1-1.0: Standard solution 1.0 mg/L NH4-N
    S-NH4/1-4.0: Standard solution 4.0 mg/L NH4-N
    S-NH4/1-16.0: Standard solution 16.0 mg/L NH4-N

    Cleaning solutions:

    C-NH4/1-1: Cleaning solution 1 Alyza IQ NH4
    C-NH4/1-2: Cleaning solution 2 Alyza IQ NH4

    Reagent sets:

    R-Set NH4/1-1: Reagent set for NH4 measuring range 1 (0.02 … 5.00 mg/L NH4-N) consists of reagents 1A, 1B, 1C for the analyzer
    R-Set NH4/1-2: Reagent set for NH4 measuring range 2 (0.10 … 20.00 mg/L NH4-N) consists of reagents 2A, 2B, 2C for the analyzer

    Set of standards and cleaning solutions:

    SC-Set NH4/1-1_0/1: Set consists of cleaning and standard solutions 0.0/1.0 mg/l NH4-N for the analyzer
    SC-Set NH4/1-1_0/4: Set consists of cleaning and standard solutions 0.0/4.0 mg/l NH4-N for the analyzer
    SC-Set NH4/1-2_0/16: Set consists of cleaning and standard solutions 0.0/16.0 mg/l NH4-N for the analyzer




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