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600325 Turb 430 T

符合US EPA 180.1的便携式浊度计(90°,钨),包括校准标准套件(0.02-10-1000 NTU)和配件:5个空试管(28mm)、清洁纸巾、棉絮。可选:LabStation LS Flex/430,带用于GLP兼容数据导出的软件包LS Flex/440(订单号251301)或可充电电池RB Flex/430(订单号25.1300),PC软件LS Flex/490(独立订单号902762)
¥ 0.00
原价: ¥0.00

服务:  现货现款・ 48小时快速处理・ 含税运。

  • Turbidity measurement acc. to US EPA 180.1 for any demand up tp 1100 NTU with lab option
    Turb® 430 T meet the requirements of nephelometric measurement at 90° stray light for drinking water with highest precision particularly suitable in the range < 1 NTU and is therefore suitable for water analysis,control, such, fuel, cell cultures, food and beverage industries and (health) administration surveillance.

    •Measuring range comprises 0.02 -1100 NTU/FNU with automatic measuring range switching
    •AQA: Calibration interval setting and GLP-compliant documentation
    •Stray light behavior according to pharmacopoeia 5.0
    •Higly precise AMCO Clear® Standards
    The measurement and automatic 3-point calibration runs menu-guided. The calibration takes place via an AMCO Clear® standard set (0.02-10-1000 NTU). Up to 1000 data sets including sample ID numbers can be stored and later put out GLP-compliant via the PC software LSdata . The quality assurance of the measured results is supported by calibration interval setting with documentation. This makes Turb® 430 not only a portable meter – also available in a practical field set - but also a precise and reliable benchtop meter for applications of up to 1100 NTU/FNU with optimized data administration!

    AMCO Clear® standards

    Polymer calibration standards resist against Formazine by significantly higher accuracy and stability without drifting, which increases the measuring accuracy significantly:
    •Manufacturing tolerance of only ±1% for highest result accuracy
    •Long-term stable particle distribution and size
    •No health hazard
    •Easy to dispose of
    •N.I.S.T. traceability

    More informationen in: "Turbidity An interesting parameter - Brief Overview, Measurement Tips & Tricks".

    Method Nephelometrisch (90° Straylight)
    Light Source Tungsten
    acc. to Standard Method US-EPA 180.1
    Measuring Range 0-1100 NTU
    Resolution 0,01 for 0,02 -9,99
      0,1 for 10 – 99,90
      1 for 100 - 1100
    Accuracy 0.01 NTU or +/- 2% of meas.value
    Reproducability < 1,0%
    Calibration Preset standard 3 point Cal, selectable 2-5 point (FreeCal), 1P QuickCal
    Calibration Protocol yes
    Calibration Interval yes
    Data Storage 1000 values
    Response Time Ca. 7s
    Cuvette 28 x 60 mm, 20 ml Sample Volume
    Ident Number yes
    Firmware-Update yes
    Interface RS 232, USB via Adapter (optional)
    Operation Temp. 0... +50°C
    Power Supply 4 Mignon (AA) > 3000 Measurements
    Rech.Batt. optional
    Data Management GLP compliant optional PC software LSdata
    LabStation+ PC-Software LSdata optional as small benchtop solution


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