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网站首页    现货中心    WTW    300580 KS 5 µS
  • Solutions for the calibration of standard and pure water measuring cells.

    Calibration solutions for checking and calibrating of a system consisting of a meter and a conductivity cell

    • Optimal reliability by PTB/NIST traceable standard solultions
    • Special calibration solutions for pure water cells
    • High accuracy

    Calibration solutions:

    E-Set Trace: PTB/NIST-traceable conductivity standard, 0,01 mol/l KCl, 1413 µS/cm at 25 °C,
    accuracy +/- 0.5 %, 6 bottles with 50 ml each
    KS 100 µS: NIST traceable KCl containing standard solution, accuracy +/- 3 %,
    bottle with 250 ml
    KS 5 µS: NIST traceable KCl containing standard solution, accuracy +/- 2 %,
    bottle with 250 ml


300580 KS 5 µS

Calibration standard 5 µS/cm, shelf life 1 year, NIST traceable, accuracy ±2%.
