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网站首页    现货中心    WTW    109706 KCl-50
  • Electrolytes and cleaning solutions

    Solutions for operation, cleaning and storage of electrodes - simple refilling and safe storage warranted

    Art.-No. Name Content
    109706 KCl-50 Reference electrolyte, 1 bottle with 50 ml KCl solution 3 mol/l
    109705 KCl-250 Reference electrolyte, 1 bottle with 250 ml KCl solution 3 mol/l
    109648 PEP/pH Pepsine cleaning solution 3 x 250 ml, only for pH electrodes with liquid electrolyte

    Electrolytes are used as refill solutions for liquid filled electrodes as well as a storage solution for all types of pH electrodes. With the pepsin cleaning solution, you can remove protein precipitation from the diaphragm of electrodes with liquid electrolyte.

109706 KCl-50

KCl solution, 3 mol/l, small bottle with 50 ml.
