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网站首页    现货中心    WTW    106663 CN 800 DIN
  • Ion-selective electrodes

    Potassium, Fluoride, Aluminium, Phosphate, Lithium, Ammonium, Copper, Cyanide, Chloride, Sodium, Calcium, Magensium, Silver, Nitrate, Bromide

    Ion-selective and gas-sensitive electrodes are used for measuring the dissolved concentration of specific ions or gases in water. Similar to the pH electrode, the membrane interacts with the dissolved ions and delivers a concentration-dependent voltage signal  that is converted to the corresponding measurement result.


    • Space-saving through integrated reference electrode
    • broad selection of applications including ammonium measurement

    • Slim and space-saving design with 12 mm shaft diameter

    Art.-Nr. Name Description Connection
    106395 NH 500/2 Ammonium-selective electrode S7-Plug head, without cable
    106649 Na 800/S7 Sodium-selective electrode S7-Plug head, without cable
    106651 Ag/S 800 DIN Silver-/Sulphide-selective electrode 1 m DIN cable
    106653 Br 800 DIN Bromide-selective electrode 1 m DIN cable
    106655 Ca 800 DIN Calcium-/Magnesium-selective electrode 1 m DIN cable
    106656 Ca 800/AT Exchange head for Ca 800 -
    106661 Cl 800 DIN Chloride-selective electrode 1 m DIN cable
    106663 CN 800 DIN Cyanide-selective electrode 1 m DIN cable
    106665 Cu 800 DIN Copper-/Nickel-selective electrode 1 m DIN cable
    106666 F 800 BNC Fluoride-/Aluminium-/
    Phosphate-/Lithium-selective electrode
    1 m BNC cable
    106667 F 800 DIN Fluoride-/Aluminium-/
    Phosphate-/Lithium-selective electrode
    1 m DIN cable
    106671 K 800 DIN Potassium-selective electrode 1 m DIN cable
    106672 K 800/AT Exchange head for K 800 -
    106675 NO 800 DIN Nitrate-selective electrode 1 m DIN cable


    • Electrode NH 500/2 Na 800/S7 Ag/S 800 DIN Br 800 DIN
      Art.-No. 106395 106649 106651 106653
      Ions Ammonium Sodium Silver-/Sulphide Bromide
      Measuring range 10-6 ... 5 · 10-2 mol/l NH4+
      0,02 ... 900 mg/l NH4+
      10-6 ... 1 mol/l Na+
      0,01...23000 mg/l Na+
      Ag: 0,01 ... 108.000 mg/l
      Sulfid: 0,003 bis 32.000 mg/l
      0,4 ... 79000 mg/l Br-
      Reference electrolyte - 3 mol/l KCl - -
      Diaphragm - Platin - -
      pH range   8 ... 11 2 ... 12 1 ... 12
      Temperature range 0 ... 50 °C -10 ... +80 °C 0 ... 80 °C 0 ... 80 °C
      Membrane resistance   < 500 MΩ < 1 MΩ < 0,1 MΩ
      Shaft length 120 mm 120 mm 120 mm 120 mm
      Shaft diameter 12 mm 12 mm 12 mm 12 mm
      Immersion depth min. 5 mm
      max. 50 mm
      min. 20 mm
      max. 100 mm
      Needs: Ionic strength-adjusting
      solution MZ/NH3/CN,
      Standard solution ES/NH4
      Ionic strength-adjusting
      solution ISA/Na,
      Standard solution ES/Na,
      Cable AS/DIN or AS/BNC
      Bridge electrolyte ELY/BR/503,
      Ionic strength-adjusting solution ISA/FK (Ag-Ionen) or according
      to the operating
      instructions for sulphide
      Bridge electrolyte ELY/BR/503,
      Ionic strength-adjusting solution ISA/FK,
      Standard solution ES/Br
      scope of delivery
      3 exchange heads, 50 ml electrolyte solution - - Electrolyte
      Connection S7-plug head, without cable S7-plug head, without cable 1 m DIN cable 1 m DIN cable
      Elektrode Ca 800 DIN Cl 800 DIN CN 800 DIN Cu 800 DIN
      Art.-No. 106655 106661 106663 106665
      Ions Calcium Chloride Cyanide Copper/Nickel
      Measuring range 0,02 ... 40.000 mg/l Ca2+ 2 ... 35.000 mg/l Cl- 0,2 ... 260 mg/l CN- (empfohlen 0,2 ... 25 mg/l CN- )
      8 x 10-6 ... 1 x 10-2 mol/l CN-
      (empfohlen 8 x 10-6 ... 1 x 10-3 mol/l CN- )
      6 x 10-4 ... 6.350 mg/l Cu2+
      Reference electrolyte - - - -
      Diaphragm - - - -
      pH range 2,5 ... 11 2 ... 12 0 ... 14 2 ... 6
      Temperature range 0 ... 40 °C 0 ... 80 °C 0 ... 80 °C 0 ... 80 °C
      Membrane resistance 1 bis 4 MΩ < 1 MΩ < 30 MΩ < 1 MΩ
      Shaft length 120 mm 120 mm 120 mm 120 mm
      Shaft diameter 12 mm 12 mm 12 mm 12 mm
      Immersion depth        
      Needs: Bridge electrolyte ELY/BR/503,
      Ionic strength-adjusting solution ISA/Ca,
      Standard solution ES/Ca
      Bridge electrolyte ELY/BR/503,
      Ionic strength-adjusting solution ISA/FK,
      Standard solution ES/Cl
      Bridge electrolyte ELY/BR/503,
      Ionic strength-adjusting solution MZ/NH3/CN
      Bridge electrolyte ELY/BR/503,
      Ionic strength-adjusting solution ISA/FK
      Standard solution ES/Cu
      scope of delivery
      Electrolyte and exchange heads Electrolyte Electrolyte Electrolyte
      Connection 1 m DIN cable 1 m DIN cable 1 m DIN cable 1 m DIN cable
      Elektrode F 800 BNC F 800 DIN K 800 DIN NO 800 DIN
      Art.-No. 106666 106667 106671 106675
      Ions Fluoride/Aluminium/
      Potassium Nitrate
      Measuring range 0,02 mg/l F- (10-6 mol/l) bis Sättigung 0,04 ... 39.000 mg/l K+ 0,4 ... 62.000 mg/l NO3-
      Reference electrolyte - - -
      Diaphragm - - -
      pH range 5 ... 7 2 ... 12 2,5 ... 11
      Temperature range 0 ... 80 °C 0 ... 40 °C 0 ... 40 °C
      Membrane resistance 0,15 ... 0,2 MΩ < 50 MΩ 1 bis 5 MΩ
      Shaft length 120 mm 120 mm 120 mm
      Shaft diameter 12 mm 12 mm 12 mm
      Immersion depth      
      Needs: Bridge electrolyte ELY/BR/503,
      Ionic strength-adjusting solution TISAB,
      Standard solution ES/F
      Bridge electrolyte ELY/BR/503/K,
      Ionic strength-adjusting solution ISA/K,
      Standard solution ES/K
      Bridge electrolyte ELY/BR/503/N,
      Ionic strength-adjusting solution TISAB/NO3,
      Standard solution ES/NO3
      scope of delivery
      Electrolyte and exchange heads Electrolyte and exchange heads Electrolyte and exchange heads
      Connection 1 m BNC cable 1 m DIN cable 1 m DIN cable 1 m DIN cable

106663 CN 800 DIN

Combined Cyanide selective electrode, with 3.3 ft (1 m) cable, DIN plug, 0.2 to 260 mg/l requires ELY/BR/503 reference electrolyte, ionic strength adapter MZ/NH3/CN. Standard solutions have to be prepared freshly. Delivery contains electrolyte!
