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网站首页    现货中心    WTW    103817 SenTix® Top 46
  • SenTix® Top 41 & 46 pH Electrodes

    Polymer Electrolyte - Double Reference System - Cylinder

    SenTix® Top 41 & 46: pH Electrodes with Double Reference System and Polymer Electrolyte for pH measuring in lab, field and process

    Art.-No. Name Attributes
    103816 SenTix® Top 41 1 m fixed cable with waterproof DIN plug and 4 mm banana plug
    103817 SenTix® Top 46 1 m fixed cable with BNC plug and RCA plug


    • PEEK shaft for maximum mechanical and chemical resistance
    • most precise measurements thanks to process-proven membrane glasses and reference system
    • maximum operation life thanks to a reference electrode with finely dispersed KCl solid electrolyte (Duralid®) and a double reference system

    The SenTix® Top 41 & 46 electrodes are developed for a wide range of applications in the laboratory, field and process from wastewater to emulsions, solutions with proteins, suspensions to purely aqueous samples. This is achieved through the special mechanical and chemical resistance of the PEEK shaft as well as the process-proven components of the measuring and reference electrode.

    The reference electrode has a double junction system with a hole diaphragm and a labyrinth-like reference element. Through this design clogging of the diaphragm and poisoning of the reference system are made considerably more difficult. The saturation with finely dispersed KCl of the solid Duralid® reference electrolyte is another reason for the long zero-point stability and the associated long operation life of the SenTix® Top 41 and Top 46 electrodes. The small hole furthermore reduces the loss of KCl through bleeding, for example, and allows a fast response time.

    • SenTix® Top 41 Top 46
      Order no. 103816 103817
      Membrane shape Cylindric
      Shaft PEEK shaft / Plastic
      Diaphragm Hole - Double reference system
      Temp. sensor NTC 30 kOhm
      Reference electrolyte Duralid®
      Membrane resistance < 400 MΩ
      Measuring range 0 … 14 pH
      Temp. range -5 … 100 °C
      Shaft length 120 mm
      Shaft diameter 12 mm
      Connection 1 m fixed cable with waterproof DIN plug and 4 mm banana plug 1 m fixed cable with BNC plug and RCA plug

103817 SenTix® Top 46

Robust plastic pH electrode, shaft material PEEK, polymer electrolyte, perforated diaphragm, integrated temperature sensor, BNC connector and cinch connector, 1 m cable, for external systems.
