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网站首页    现货中心    WTW    103809 SenTix® 57
  • SenTix® 51-57 pH Electrodes

    Liquid electrolyte - Temperature Sensor - Ceramic Diaphragm - Cylindric

    SenTix® 51-57: pH electrodes with liquid electrolyte and temperature sensor for standard measurements in water and aqueous solutions in the lab and field

    SenTix® Variant 57 will be available for order in January 2024!
    Order-No. Name Attributes
    103651 SenTix® 51 NTC 30 kOhm, 1 m fixed cable with water-proof DIN and 4 mm banana plug
    103652 SenTix® 52 NTC 30 kOhm, 1 m fixed cable with BNC and 4 mm banana plug
    103809 SenTix® 57 NTC 10 kOhm, BNC plug and 2,5 mm jack plug, 1 m cable (for Sartorius devices)


    • Fast response by reference with liquid electrolyte
    • Built-in temperature sensor
    • Robust plastic shaft
    • Ceramic Diaphragm
    • Cylindric
    • SenTix® 51 52 57
      Order no. 103651 103652 103809
      Membrane shape Cylindric
      Shaft Plastic
      Diaphragm Ceramic
      Temp. sensor NTC 30 kOhm NTC 10 kOhm
      Reference electrolyte KCl 3 mol/l Ag+ free
      Membrane resistance <1 GΩ
      Measuring range 0 … 14 pH
      Temp. range 0 … 80 °C
      Shaft length 120 mm
      Shaft diameter 12 mm
      Connection 1 m fixed cable with water-proof DIN and 4 mm banana plug 1 m fixed cable with BNC and 4 mm banana plug BNC plug and 2,5 mm jack plug, 1 m cable (for Sartorius devices)

103809 SenTix® 57

Plastic pH electrode with liquid electrolyte, integrated temperature sensor NTC 10 kOhm, BNC connector and 2.5 mm jack connector, 1 m cable (for Sartorius devices)
带液体电解质的塑料pH电极、集成温度传感器NTC 10 kOhm、BNC连接器和2.5 mm插孔连接器、1 m电缆(用于赛多利斯设备)
