热式质量流量计.插入深度 608mm.防爆.带显示.4-20m AHART.脉冲 / 频率 / 开关输出 .输出
6I3BL4-BBDBAEAFAASAGA1ABGA2+AK 订货号 6I3BL4-2R02/0 扩展订货号 (6I3BL4-BBDBAEAFAASAGA1ABGA2+AK) 名称 热式质量流量计 I 300, 6I3BL4, 608mm 24" 基本描述 Thermal mass flowmeter
Insertion version.
Application: Measurement of utility and
process gases as well as gas mixtures in
circular piping or rectangular ducts.
High operable flow range: up to 1000:1.
Flexible installation.
Medium temp.: up to +180 oC (356 oF).
Compact dual-compartment housing.
:: Flowmeter with long-term stability +
compact, easily accessible transmitter.
:: Flexible, convenient programming
based on 21 standard gases or mixtures.认证; 变送器 + 传感器: BB ATEX+IECEx; Z0/1, Z21, Ex de, IIC/IIIC 电源: D 24VDC 输出; 输入 1: BA 4-20mA HART 输出; 输入 2: E 脉冲/频率/开关输出 输出; 输入 3: A 无(没有); 显示; 操作: F 4行 背光; 光敏按键控制 外壳: A 铝外壳,带防腐涂层 电气连接: A 电缆密封套 M20 材质: 传感器; 插入杆 SA 单向测量; 不锈钢; 不锈钢 过程连接: GA1 G3/4", ISO 228/1, 压紧装置 密封圈: AB PEEK, FKM, -40...+140oC 标定 流量: G 工厂标定 设备版本: A2 2 >操作语言 显示: AK 简体中文