TM101-AACCA6BA2H1A1 | TM101-89X1/115
TM101-AACCA6BA2H1A1 订货号 TM101-89X1/115 扩展订货号 (TM101-AACCA6BA2H1A1) 名称 温度计 TM101 基本描述 Modular thermometer with resistance
sensor or thermocouple w/o thermowell
for direct process contact.
Metrical version with non-exchangeable
insert for low demanding applications
in a high variety of industries.
Thermometer insert in direct contact
to process.
Measuring range: -50...+650oC/
(depending on the configuration).
Material in direct contact with process:
316L, Alloy600.认证: AA 非防爆 过程连接;材质: CC G1/2 外螺纹; 316L 插入深度U: A6 150 mm 延长颈长度T: B 最短延长颈长度 传感器;线制;精度等级;测量范围;材质: A 1xPt100 薄膜式; 3-线; A; -50...+200oC; 316L 电气接口 2H 4-20mA, 单通道TMT31 PCP 0.15K, 模块温度变送器 DIN 接线盒;材质;防护等级: 1 TA20AB,1x M20x1.5内螺纹,紧凑型旋盖;铸铝; IP66 设备版本: A1 1