超声波流量计,适用于DN200-DN600的管道安装,4-20ma HART输出
9P5BA4-AAIBAEAFBAAACBABAEA2+AK 订货号 9P5BA4-7RT8/0 扩展订货号 (9P5BA4-AAIBAEAFBAAACBABAEA2+AK) 名称 ***超声波流量计 P 500, 9P5BA4, 1 套 基本描述 Ultrasonic transit time flowmeter
Clamp-on version.
Application: Bidirectional
measurement of various fluids, e.g.
liquid hydrocarbons and chemicals.
Direct mounting.
Maintenance-free installation.
Remote version.
4-line display, touch control.
:: Clamp-on meter for process industry;
Remote version with up to 3 I/Os
:: Constant accuracy even when mounted
with short inlet run thanks to FlowDC.认证; 变送器; 传感器: AA 非防爆场合 电源: I 100-230VAC/24VDC 输出; 输入 1: BA 4-20mA HART 输出; 输入 2: E 脉冲/频率/开关输出 输出; 输入 3: A 无(没有); 显示; 操作: F 4行 背光; 触摸键控制 集成ISEM模块: B 变送器 变送器 外壳: A 铝,外涂层 电气连接: A 电缆密封套 M20 传感器 型: AC C-100 (1 MHz) 过程温度: B -40...800C 电缆: AB 10m, -40...80oC 安装部件: AE DN200-DN600, 8"-24" 设备模式: A2 2 >操作语言 显示: AK 简体中文